Monday, June 3, 2019

Fondation Louis Vuitton

Saturday began with another trip up to my old neighborhood, because I was obviously going to take them to that awesome galette place.  We stopped by my old place, too.  Someone was obviously there, since there was coffee on the little balcony. 
After a lovely brunch, we headed over the west side of the city to the Fondation Louis Vuitton, which is mostly a contemporary museum, I believe.  They had a lot of work from the Courtauld Collection, too (which I had seen before, because it is normally right next to King's College London, where I studied for a year). 

It's a very cool building, designed by Frank Gehry.

I discovered that I really like Jesús Rafael Soto, because two of my favorite pieces were by him, including a piece with blue strands you could walk through.

 They also had one of Yayoi Kusama’s first infinity rooms, which was interesting (albeit not as amazing as some of the later ones I've seen).

The Courtauld Gallery works were great.  There are a lot of Monets, Seurats, etc.  I think this is the most famous (Manet): 

This, by Monet, is of the Gare St. Lazare, which was where we took the train the next day...

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