Today was much sunnier than it's been. I'll take it!
I walked down to the
Quai de Valmy, stopping at a recommended cafe, 10 Belles. (Had a spot of bother with the French, but it turns out the guy was Mancunian, so that's alright.) Puttered about that area for awhile -- there is an excellent art book store there, where I got a book on color, that I look forward to reading: "it's not by chance that we see red, laugh yellow, become green with fear, blue with anger..."
In an attempt to really go all-in on being in France, I had bibimbap for lunch.
From there, I walked down to the Henri Cartier Bresson
Foundation -- actually quite a ways past it, because I missed a turn. This image is part of the French archives, if I remember correctly. I partially took it because you can see (in the back) one of the buildings has art painted on it. I've seen that several times.
The Foundation had two (tiny) shows. One was Henri Cartier Bresson and the other was by Guy Tillum, who takes these large-scale photos in Africa. It took me awhile to figure out that it's the same place, but four different times.
Then I sat and read in the Elie Weisel memorial park, which smelled so summery. The flowers are really out, much more so than they were in Chicago when I left.
And, apparently, I can't really take a selfie without smirking, but here you go...
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