Monday, May 20, 2019


Today was my last day in Paris alone: my mom and sister come tomorrow.  I decided to go down to the Cluny Museum, which specializes in the middle ages.  As it happens, they are undergoing a lot of construction, but you can still see many of their pieces.

The museum is built sort of around an old Roman bath and you can go into the frigidarium. (A guard showed me where you can also see where the caldarium used to be.)

Upstairs they had some lovely ivory carvings, gold work, and tapestries.  

And this one, which I would call "undead Mary and child."  An important lesson to me on the necessity of pupils.  

I think the museum is best known for its "Lady and the Unicorn" series of tapestries -- there are six of them and they are enormous.  The room was dark and also extremely full of tour groups, but here is a not-great picture of one of them.
 I found the little animal details very charming.

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