Tuesday, May 14, 2019

l'Arpège, Maillol, Ste. Chapelle

Monday was the last day David was visiting and it was a doozy.  We went to l'Arpège for lunch.  It was, without exaggeration, the best food I've ever had.



Then we walked over to the Maillol Museum, which had a show based on the collection of Emil Bürle who clearly had very good taste (the museum also houses many pieces of work by Aristide Maillol, who I don't think I'd ever heard of before).

After that -- a walk to Ste. Chapelle, where we saw a "greatest hits of classical" concert.  It was fine -- the performers were talented.  But of course the real draw is the space.  We entered through the Palais de Justice, which is an entrance I'd never used before.  

We then walked back to my place, past Notre Dame.  Well, I hobbled back...

And today, I am not leaving my floor, because I'm hoping that will get my leg back into fighting shape.  We'll see.

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