Saturday, May 18, 2019

Marché Aux Puces De Saint-Ouen plus some other stuff

So, my leg is still a bit iffy.  On Friday I thought I'd just wander around, finally get yarn, and go to a few stores I'd meant to see.  I ended up walking through several covered passageways that I'd been intending to look at.

I also stopped in at a kitchen supply store.  It was great -- although I couldn't really convince myself that I needed any canele molds.  

Today I went to the Saint-Ouen flea markets. They are located north of the city. There are many, but after some research I focused on two: Vernaison and Dauphine. You can see the entrances to both in this picture. Vernaison has maybe 100 vendors with all sorts of things; Dauphine was a bit smaller.  There were other markets that specialized more in antiques/furniture, etc.

My pictures aren't great -- and some of the shops had signs asking you not to take pictures. These don't really quite capture the variety or how close together most of the shops are.


I'm pretty sure these chair carcasses weren't actually for sale, but the bent wood was so cool (especially the couch, which they are sitting on/in).
I can see why people recommended the other flea market.  This had much more consistently nice stuff, but it was also more expensive, generally. It was very neat to poke around -- and I did buy some linen towels (which were roughly in line with prices elsewhere).

Here is the serve yourself water station at the place I had coffee at, afterward.  Most places don't really have water (although, by law they have to give you a glass if you ask -- but I know from experience that it can be a teeny, tiny glass), so you can tell this is some sort of new, hipster place.  

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