Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Promenade Plantée

Yesterday, I walked down to the Promenade Plantée, which is sort of 606/High Line: an old, raised train line that has been turned into a park. To get there, I walked down the Avenue de République, which is actually an avenue and has a park in the center. 
 Got to the Place de Bastille, which is undergoing considerable construction  at the moment.

And then I walked below the Promenade Plantée, by the Arts Viaduct, which is full of cool artisan shops.
Here is the view entering the promenade.  The sun came out!  People were lying on the ground just basking in it; it's been quite rainy (and, indeed, is again today).

A little sign that struck me as very charming.  "This place is for walking. Jogging is tolerated insofar as it doesn't bother walkers."

Then I realized I was near a recommended bakery, so I went there for lunch.  A wise decision.
Ate my sandwich of goat cheese, tomato confit, & rocket (fine, arugula, but the British name is better) in the park.  Delightful.  Sort of gnarly chèvre, in the best possible way.  

Also had an interesting conversation with the women at the till, because someone sneezed and I said "gesundheit." Which is weird for me to do, because French people don't seem to say anything (I mean, theoretically they say “à vos souhaits," but no one actually seems to in Paris).  Anyway, she was naturally expecting English and so was confused when I appeared to spout gibberish in the form of German.

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