Saturday, June 8, 2019


Luckily for us, we managed to go to the Louvre.  The previous day, the guards had shut down the whole place in protest of staffing cuts. 

I've been to the Louvre before, so I tried to go to places that I hadn't seen.  I saw a bunch of European statuary.

I saw Napoleon's old apartments and a bunch of 18th/19th century crafts.  Stunningly opulent.  I mean, hideous to my eyes.  

I also spent some time looking at Greek, Roman, and Islamic art. They had an interesting thing where a contemporary artist made pieces that responded to older works.  This is an example:

 Enormous floor mosaics seen from above:

Not at the Louvre, but in the mall extending from it, was this light piece.  I really liked it; it was hard to photograph.

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